The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Readiness


“Disaster Prep 101” is an unrivaled how-to training manual on disaster preparedness with an extensive two-DVD library (containing over 1,500 additional books and manuals) that sets a new standard in family readiness.  In fact, we've become one of the most widely used encyclopedias for Emergency Management , Law Enforcement, corporate Business Continuity Planners, individual families, and preppers across the country.  If you'd like to read some of our articles, click here to go to our blog.

More and more people are asking, "How do I prepare for tornadoes, hurricanes, snow, ice storms, floods, wildfires, earthquake, Tsunamis, terrorismpandemic flu, or other natural disasters?" We answer these questions by telling you the truth that solutions and assets will always outnumber our threats a hundred to one (if you know where to look) and we're here to give you these solutions, all under one cover, and at one very low price.

What this means for you:

"Disaster Prep 101" will make all the difference in the world with your family's ability to deal with any sort of disaster, emergency, or terror attack.  We give you the missing how-to detail that's never been put into one easy-to-use economical package until now.   

Which of these is you?:

  •  Individuals and families who ask, "Do I need more for disaster preparedness than a 72 hour kit?"
  •  First Responders and Military Personnel who ask "How do I protect my family at home when I report for duty?"
  •  Emergency Management officials who need better information to give to their communities. 
  •  Faith-Based Organizations who want to help their congregations and their community.
  •  Civic Groups that are looking for ways to help their members. 
  •  Schools that would like to teach preparedness as a class (or who need a good fundraising item).
  •  Employers who should offer family emergency readiness education as a "perc" (especially during times when they can't afford raises).
  •  Business Continuity Planners who depend on key employees being able to report to work, and that depends on the safety of their family at home.

You'll learn answers to questions you didn't know to ask.  For example, did you know?:

  •  Most folks who put together a Bugout Kit or Bugout Bag do it wrong? (But we show you the right way.)
  • Your washing machine can help you in either a house fire or a hurricane?
  •  Your oven can help you in a wildfire?
  •  Your clothes dryer can help you in an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) attack or tornado?
  •  Your phone's camera has multiple emergency uses?
  •  A "baby monitor" can drastically increase your home's fire protection?
  •  That virtually every city has a cheap and plentiful supply of potential storm cellars?
  •  That there are roughly 26 criteria points for choosing an evacuation destination?
  •  That your tornado-damaged automobile still has at least a half-dozen emergency uses?
  •  You can make an expedient "air conditioner" using two-liter plastic bottles?
  •  Why stocking your regular food is more important that stocking "survival food?"
  •  That in times of crisis certain types of food will fly off the shelves, but some more useful items won't?
  •  Why you DON'T need to buy all that expensive "survival" gear?
  •  That you can find the answer to some of these questions in the articles on our "News & Articles" page?
  •  That we could fill hundreds of pages with questions like these? (And we did! With answers too!)

Once we walk you through our simple program, you'll be "hero of the day" as you:

  •  Realistically prepare your family for emergencies without fear or unnecessary expenses
  •  Prepare the best family disaster plan or family emergency plan possible.
  •  Deal with actual incidents by focusing on realistic preparationsreactions, and solutions.
  •  Protect your financial stability before, during, and after a disaster.
  •  Make the best disaster kit ("bugout kit" or "go bag") your budget allows.
  •  Organize for either a rapid evacuation or a lengthy shelter-in-place.
  •  Set yourself up for successful disaster recovery when recouping and rebuilding after a disaster.
  •  Take these plans to your workplace for a full and complete business continuity education for others.

How we're different:

  •  We're the only source that keeps all the info you need under one cover at one low price!  This is part of InfoQuest's "One and Done" philosophy of providing everything you need in one package.
  • The book is the result of direct researchtesting, and personal experience
  •  We have our "News and Articles" and sample "Forms" page where we give away more stuff for free than others have produced after millions of dollars of "study."
  •  We also include the research, testing, and personal experience of others. 
  •  Our enclosed 2-DVD library (containing over 1,500 books and manuals) is more comprehensive and information-packed than any other.
  •  This material is as realistic as possible (and therefore useful as possible) for the average family. 
  •  The price is also realistic for the average family.  We priced our package to help, not hurt.
  •  We walk you through every step you need to protect your family by way of our progress checklists.
  •  With our included family budget tools, this package can pretty much pay for itself almost immediately.
  •  This is NOT another rehash of the limited and overly-simplistic "72-hour kit" concept.
  •  We take an "all-hazards" approach focusing on the solutions that will help in any number of scenarios rather than being a "fear-oriented" book focusing solely on the threat.

What this "preparedness encyclopedia" contains:

  •  Over 420 pages of simple but comprehensive educational material.
  •  Over 75 pages of easy-to-use, but detailed checklists, family data forms, and worksheets.
  •  Two links collections with over 5,000 links to educational sources, and online courses.
  •  Two resource DVDs containing:
    •  The links collections in electronic format (interactive and searchable).
    •  All our forms and worksheets in softcopy format (fill in on screen to save and/or print as many as you need).
    •  A complete library of over 1,500 additional books and training manuals.

So, how much does all this cost?  The full retail price is only $59.95 (less than one insurance premium payment).  It's our goal to protect as many families as we can, so we priced the whole package at less than what either of our enclosed DVDs would sell for, and the "Financial Planning" section in the book will pay this back in short order!

So how can your family afford to be without the most detailed, economical, and sought-after preparedness manual available today?